相关文献 / Useful Resources


个人文章 / Personal paper

Iphone X Dropping Simulation via Abaqus

Report on Slip-line field theory

Material Selection of Chair Frame

Reflection on “Coarse-Grained Simulation of DNA using LAMMPS, An implementation of oxDNA model and its application"

Line Following Car

Heat Transfer Final Report

机器人相关文献及资料 / Robotics resources

文章 / Paper

Robot Arm (IRIM LAB机械臂专利)

A Low Cost Modular Actuator for Dynamic Robots (MIT mini Cheetah)

Design of a Brushless Servomotor for a Low-cost Compliant Robotic Manipulator


Rapid Trajectory Optimization Using C-FROST with Illustration on a Cassie-Series Dynamic Walking Biped

FROST*: Fast Robot Optimization and Simulation Toolkit

Dynamic locomotion synchronization of bipedal robot and human operator via bilateral feedback teleoperation

Quasi-Direct Drive for Low-Cost Compliant Robotic Manipulation

A micro Lie theory for state estimation in robotics






其他资料 / Other resources

相关书籍 / Books

材料力学 / Materials

Fundamentals of Materials Science And Engineering, An Integrated Approach

Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials

热力学 / Thermodynamics

Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer

Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach

The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua

流体力学 / Fluid mechanics

Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications

Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective

动力学 / Dynamics

Engineering Mechanics Dynamics

System Dynamics

Mechanical Vibrations

机械设计 / Mechanical design

Fundamentals of Machine Component Design

数学 / Math

Advanced Engineering Mathematics

统计 / Statistics

Statistics for Engineers & Scientists

Probability and Statistical Inference

电子工程 / Electrical Engineering

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Encyclopedia of Systems and Control

Arduino Programming in 24 Hours

计算机 / Computer science

Starting out with Python
